Our Vision is our projection into the future

Our ambition is to improve the quality of industrial production processes with innovative solutions. That is why we concentrate on our key skills in the sectors of combustion technique, industrial steam production technology and automation, analysis and control systems.

In every initiative, we aim for long-lasting results and a position of qualitative excellence in the market. Our products and services focus above all on people's safety, careful resource management and environmental friendliness.

That has led to the production of PETROCAPITAL low NOx emission Industrial Burners, PETROCAPITAL Integrated Economiser, fitted on all our Rapid Steam Generators, and the automation, analysis, control and environmental emission recording technologies of PETROCAPITAL's Electronics Division.

Our customers choose us for our innovation ability and efficiency, our reliability, the quality of our work and our rapid performance and prompt support. Mutual fairness in our cooperation with our customers is the fundamental premise for our success. We only promise what we are able to keep, as promises for us are a binding commitment.